I just finished reading, marking, and summarizing the last book of 2024. Every book I had the privilege of reading this year delivered a unique gift. I want to share the ones that made a significant impact and are worth passing along to support personal and professional growth.
Making Time to Read
If you already have a reading practice and need book suggestions, skip this section and go straight to the list. However, if you feel there is never enough time to read, let me share with you the following framework that has allowed me to make space for reading while balancing work, family with kids, and Ironman triathlon at a competitive level:
Name your Why
Interrogate your schedule
Eliminate, simplify, and optimize your tasks
Evaluate results and adjust periodically
Feel free to reach out if you need assistance making the framework above work for you.
The Best Books I Read in 2024
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown – A practical resource to learn how to lead with vulnerability along with sound leadership best practices
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek (updated edition) – A neurological take on leadership with a bonus on how to lead generations of younger professionals
Radical Candor by Kim Scott – A must-read book for every leader of any experience level
Dopamine Nation by Anne Lembke – An excellent discussion of our society’s current need to be constantly entertained and some ideas to find the balance we desperately need
Noise by Daniel Kahneman et al – Understand the noise in the decisions we make every day and learn to manage it
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt – A thought-provoking deep dive into the negative impact of social media on pre-college generations, along with proposed solutions
The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson – An account of the fascinating story behind the development of the COVID-19 vaccine
Radically Human by Paul Daugherty and H. James Wilson – A summary of the approaches to innovate in the world of Artificial Intelligence
The Wright Brothers by David McCullough – A comprehensive story of the Wright Brothers’ lives, filled with practical wisdom to manage innovation
From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks – Every experienced professional should read this book to capitalize on the wisdom acquired through time
Likeable Badass by Alison Fragale – Well-researched advice for minorities to get noticed and recognized
Life is in the Transitions by Bruce Feiler – Transitions are inevitable, so learning to leverage them is crucial for a successful and meaningful career
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis – I read this book for its discussion of the cardinal virtues but loved it for its profound and logical discussion of Christianity
12 Rules for Life (and its sequel Beyond Order if you need 12 more) by Jordan B. Peterson – Sound principles that every person who adds value to others should learn and practice
The Road to Character by David Brooks – A practical guide to achieving a meaningful life, including work
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders – A superb exploration of the Russian literary classics to learn best practices to write better stories
Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg – Best practices to connect with others
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss – Learn to negotiate as a process of discovery and mutual benefit
Biographies and Memoirs
Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin – One of the best descriptions I have encountered about Lincoln’s character and his approach to leadership
The River of Doubt by Candice Millard – Theodore Roosevelt’s short biography and a detailed account of his expedition to the Amazon
Truman by David McCullough – Truman’s in-depth biography and his role in shaping the world during and after World War II
Slow Productivity by Cal Newport – A simple framework to focus on quality instead of quantity
The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris – An insightful take on why we work and tips and tricks to focus our limited resources wisely
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker – Learn how never to have a bad meeting again
Good Inside by Becky Kennedy – Practical parenting best practices based on timeless principles backed by science
Hunt, Gather, Parent by Machaeleen Doucleff - Parenting lessons from ancient cultures
Grit by Angela Duckworth – The parenting chapter of this book is an invaluable resource for learning parenting styles and what we should aim for